
Radio Derb Transcript Up For November 26: Cold Civil War — Lawfare At Charlottesville, Miscarriage Of Justice In Georgia, And Mass Murder In Waukesha, Etc.

By John Derbyshire


The Radio Derb transcript is up for November 26, 2021. Go here to read or listen.

01m34s Too soon made glad. (Post-Rittenhouse tristesse.)

09m30s Lawfare in Virginia. (The rich & connected crush free speech.)

14m08s A catch-phrase for the Cold Civil War. (Inspired by John Ball.)

16m31s Narrative sustained in Georgia. (A monstrous miscarriage of justice.)

23m57s Waukesha killings. (Fruit of the D.A.’s efforts.)

32m05s What’s the difference between James Fields and Darrell Brooks? (We all know.)

34m49s Mistrial in Dallas. (Lone holdout juror.)

36m45s National Border Security Chiefs without borders. (U.K. madness.)

39m07s New victim group: the neuro-diverse. (Equity! Equity!)

40m58s Triggered by "trigger." (Infinite regress looms.)

42m49s Black Friday? Eeek! (But students show sense.)

45m12s Signoff. (With thanks.)

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