Radio Derb Transcript Up For October 5: A Major Battle (Victory!)In The Cold Civil War, Working Class Politics, Etc.
The Radio Derb Transcript for October 5 is up. Go here to read or listen.
02m45s A major battle in the Cold Civil War. (The Kavanaugh nomination staggers to the finishing line.)
09m18s The working class finds its voice. (Goodbye Maggie and Ronnie.)
15m53s The new Sokal Hoax. (Even Progressives are baulking.)
23m46s Elite overproduction? (Science envy and too much money.)
31m46s Sex in the physics lab. (CERN has a fit of hysterics.)
38m13s Happy New Fiscal Year! (Some stuff not yet funded.)
39m41s Seventeen years in Afghanistan. (Goals? What goals?)
41m23s More nationalism rising. (Quebec, Bavaria.)
44m10s The real decision-makers. (George Soros, illegal aliens.)
45m40s Hands up, don’t clap! (Applause that won’t trigger anxiety.)
48m00s Signoff. (Music to be tormented to.)