Radio Derb Transcript Up For September 21: Supreme Court, "She Who Must Be Believed", And The Myth Of Civilian Trauma, Etc
The Radio Derb transcript for September 21 is up — go here to read or listen.
01m23s Juicing up the baizuo vote. (Do Republicans know how to play?)
07m36s SLOTUS, the Supreme Legislature. (Not what the Founders intended.)
14m24s She who must be believed. (Sex, lies, and civilization.)
23m25s The myth of civilian trauma. (It takes high explosives.)
30m21s Midterms: Another Hutu uprising? (But Tutsis run the GOP.)
38m31s The price of race denial. ($1.7 billion.)
40m53s Steve Bannon blathers. (Try jiu-jitsu, Steve.)
43m32s Male variability: the numbers. (Stuff we already knew.)
46m17s Signoff. (Recruiting for the trenches.)