
Radio Derb Transcript Up For September 3: Invade, Invite, Continued; Here Come The Afghans, And Not Cynical Enough, Etc.

By John Derbyshire


The Radio Derb transcript is up for September 3, 2021. Go here to read or listen.

01m42s Invade, invite, cont. (Insanity meets insanity.)

07m42s Here come the Afghans. (But not to Malibu.)

15m04s Not cynical enough. (Why I blush.)

20m40s Essive, inessive, and adessive. (Cherish your tiny language.)

27m38s ChiComs ban girly men. (Ideology defies ellipsis.)

36m03s Here comes Marmite Ale. (To drink with your tasty spread.)

37m21s What’s racist this week? (Classics in turmoil.)

39m35s Hero of the week. (For spirited insubordination.)

40m50s Signoff. (With Dame Janet Baker.)

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