Radio Derb Transcript Up June 30 — Is The $PLC Losing Respectability?, Etc.
The Radio Derb transcript is up for June 30. Go here to read or listen. Playlist below, with permalinks:
- 01m30s — Authoritarian Progressivism for beavers. (And a hero in the cultural counter-revolution.)
- 08m33s — The artillery barrage we dodged. (Law profs anticipating a Hillary win.)
- 17m58s — Underwhelming victories on immigration. (No-one remembers anything.)
- 28m26s — Is the SPLC losing respectability? (Even progressives are grumbling.)
- 39m07s — Will Italy go Roman on illegals? (And Spain bring forth a new Cid?)
- 45m11s — Illegal kills Muslim. (Islamophobia to blame? No, Illegalophilia.)
- 47m20s — Heterosexual Pride Day. (Say it clear, say it loud: We’re normal, we’re proud!)
- 47m43s — Is it that easy to break into Britain? (How does an island nation have open borders?)
- 49m18s — Miss Bum Bum goes east. (Brazil for quantity, China for quality.)
- 50m54s — Signoff. (A call to patriotism.)