Rand Paul Raising Money on Opposing Amnesty Now

By James Kirkpatrick


Rand Paul really, really wants to be President. You can tell because every time he does something silly to appeal to the media — like defend the riots in Ferguson — he couples it with a tack back to make sure he doesn’t lose his credibility with the conservative grassroots.

For example, Paul is now sending out fundraising emails claiming he will "stop Obama’s immigration lawlessness." From a fundraising email from RANDPAC -

"[Obama’s] lawless executive orders turned a crisis into a debacle as men, women and even children streamed across our Southern Border.

I've opposed comprehensive immigration reform because it refused to secure our border.

This culture of lawlessness threatens our Republic, and our party must stand up and declare "enough is enough."

You see, the message of the midterms was simple: Americans voted for Republicans to check the out-of-control Obama White House.

I will oppose any nominee for Attorney General who stands silent as President Obama subverts our nation’s immigration laws.

In addition, Republicans should defund President Obama’s immigration executive orders when voting on a new budget.

So I hope you'll help RANDPAC send the message to my colleagues: The American people rejected President Obama’s failed immigration policies.

And our party MUST stop President Obama’s immigration lawlessness.

That means rejecting any nominee for Attorney General that refuses to renounce President Obama’s threats to impose so-called "immigration reform" through executive orders.

In addition, the Republican majorities in both houses of Congress MUST defund his lawless immigration executive orders.

You can check out the petition RANDPAC wants you to sign here. It contains one probable typo —

"Verifiable border security to stop illegal immigration and improve our national security MUST preclude any immigration reform."

They probably meant "precede" not "preclude." But as "immigration reform" is a code word for "Amnesty/Immigration Surge" these days, I'll take RandPAC’s original version.

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