Randy Graf Wins Primary — Has Normal Views on Immigration

By James Fulford


Randy Graf beat Steve Huffman for the Republican nomination in a hot primary race in Arizona’s 8th District, which is divided about evenly between Democrats and Republicans.

According to the Tucson Citizen, Jim Kolbe says that

Graf can’t win because his views on immigration and other issues are too extreme for the district.[CD8: Giffords vs. Graf Nation’s eyes on CD8 contest BLAKE MORLOCK]

Kolbe’s apparent strategy is "An Echo, Not A Choice." But on immigration, the views of Americans in general are more extreme than almost any member of the political class. Someone who promises to actually defend the border will get votes from both Republicans and Democrats. Here’s another quote from the article:

Silvia Pereira, 40, a [Republican] precinct committee chairwoman, supported Huffman, but will switch her allegiance to Graf.

"The biggest issue is the border," Pereira said. "It’s like a war. They need to put some security at the border and stop immigrants from coming through."

Guess what? That’s how most voters feel. It’s only the "bipartisan" consensus that keeps Republicans from beating Democrats like a drum with this issue. That, and the President’s plan for amnesty, of course.

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