Rasmussen:70 Per Cent Of American Blacks Favor Haitian Immigration, Whites Not So Much

By James Fulford


Blacks favor Haitian immigration out of ethnic solidarity, although they're likelier than most Americans to be victims of Haitian crime and competition for jobs and benefits.

46% Oppose Inviting Haitian Refugees to U.S.
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Authorities are preparing for a potential surge of Haitian refugees to the United States following their country’s horrific earthquake.

Though the surge has yet to materialize, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 31% of Americans believe Haitian refugees should be invited to live here. Forty-six percent (46%) say the refugees should not be invited to live in the United States. Another 22% remain undecided.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of men oppose inviting displaced Haitian refugees into this country. Women are more closely divided on the topic. Seventy percent (70%) of African-Americans think the United States should invite the Haitian refugees in, but 55% of whites disagree. Those of other races are almost evenly divided on the question.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Republicans and 53% of adults not affiliated with either major party are against encouraging the Haitians to come to America, but a plurality (46%) of Democrats thinks it’s a good idea. [More]

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