
Rasmussen Poll: Americans Prefer Second Amendment Neighborhoods — Better Avoid the Barrios Then

By Brenda Walker


A recent survey found that more than two-thirds of voters favor living in areas where citizens can be armed for self-defense. This is a traditional value, backed by the Constitution and a 2008 Supreme Court decision.

Americans Prefer Living in Neighborhoods With Guns, Rasmussen Reports, June 12, 2015

American Voters overwhelming prefer living in a neighborhood where they have the option of owning a gun than to live where nobody is allowed to be armed.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely U.S. Voters would feel safer living in a neighborhood where nobody was allowed to own a gun over one where they could have a gun for their own protection. Sixty-eight percent (68%) would feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed, while 10% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)


It should be borne in mind that many immigrant residents of the United States do not share an appreciation for armed self-defense. Hispanics in particular prefer the gun-grabber ideology of liberals, as shown by an October 2014 Pew Hispanic report “Latino Voters and the 2014 Midterm Elections.” Part of the liberal goal of a permanent Democrat majority attained through massive Hispanic immigration is the destruction of the Second Amendment. Gun eradication a big item within Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America into a country that isn’t recognizable as our traditional nation.

Chapter Two: Latino Views on Selected 2014 Ballot Measure Issues

Gun Rights and Restrictions

On November 4, two states will vote on ballot measures regarding gun rights or restrictions. In Alabama, voters will be deciding whether to amend their state constitution to explicitly allow citizens of Alabama the right to bear arms. In Washington state, voters face two competing measures: The first would restrict gun control by preventing confiscation of firearms without due process and implementing background checks for firearm sales unless a federal standard is established. The second would strengthen gun control by extending the existing requirement for background checks in purchases made from licensed dealers to all gun purchases, including gun shows, online sales and private sales.

An early 2014 Pew Research Center survey asked U.S. adults what is more important — protecting the right of Americans to own guns or controlling gun ownership (Pew Research Center, 2014d). Hispanic registered voters nationally say they prefer gun control over the rights of owners by a margin of 62%-to-36%, as do black registered voters by a margin of 71%-to-26%, according to the survey. By contrast, white registered voters choose gun owners’ rights over gun control by a margin of 59%-to-39%.

Included in the roughly six-in-ten Hispanic registered voters who say they prefer gun control are 44% who say that most Americans should be able to own guns if certain limits are in place and 18% who say only law enforcement and security personnel should be able to own guns. Also included among the 36% of Hispanic registered voters who think protecting gun rights is a bigger priority are 27% who favor some restrictions on gun ownership and just 9% who favor no such restrictions.

Looking across all Hispanics regardless of their voter registration status or eligibility,15 82% of foreign-born Hispanics think controlling gun ownership is more important than protecting gun ownership rights, compared with 59% of Hispanics born in the U.S. who say the same.

A recent Pew Research Center analysis found that two-in-ten Hispanics say they have a gun, rifle or pistol in their home (Morin, 2014). This is similar to the share of blacks who say this (19%), but whites are twice as likely (41%) to say they have a gun in their home. According to a Pew Research analysis of crime rates in the U.S., 17% of gun homicide victims were Hispanic, proportionate to their 16% share of the U.S. population in 2010. By contrast, blacks make up 55% of gun homicide victims, but just 13% of the U.S. population, while whites make up 25% of victims and 65% of the population (Cohn et. al., 2013).

Do any Republicans still believe Hispanics are natural conservatives? That’s a delusion at best and always was a lie. Hispanics are natural liberals, period. They prefer big government and Hispanic family values include a desire for a “generous safety net” from politicians for whom they vote.

Supporters of the Second Amendment better recognize the threat to gun rights from a Hispanicized America and become active in reducing diverse immigration of cultures that hate our values.

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