Rasmussen Poll: Citizens Still Expect That Immigrants Assimilate to America

By Brenda Walker


Down in the middle paragraphs of a recent Rasmussen survey is an important point about what traditional Americans expect from new immigrants in this time of trendy (but increasingly discredited) multiculturalism: nearly three-fourths of voters queried thought that old-fashioned assimilation to this nation’s laws, language and culture is still a requirement.

The social contract of America being a welcoming society is based on newbies getting with the program of learning English, embracing American values and becoming loyal to this country. It’s not much to ask really, although the raza types busy themselves trying to insinuate Spanish into American society, aka bilingualism, along with other assaults on US culture like amnesty and hispanicization.

In ancient times, Augustine said, "When in Rome do as the Romans do," an aphorism that has survived to the present day. By comparison, liberal social scientist Robert Putnam has said that we Americans should be the ones to change: "What we shouldn’t do is to say that they [immigrants] should be more like us. We should construct a new us."

Not according to the large majority of American citizens.

66% Say U.S. Society Fair and Decent, Rasmussen Reports, June 28, 2011

Most voters continue to believe U.S. society is generally fair and decent, but they aren’t quite as convinced that President Obama shares their views.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 66% of Likely U.S. Voters say, generally speaking, American society is fair and decent. Twenty-six percent (26%) believe society is unfair and discriminatory. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The latest findings show little change from last month. Voter beliefs that society is fair and decent have ranged from a low of 54% to a high of 74% since early November 2006. In those same surveys, perceptions that society is unfair and discriminatory have ranged from 17% to 33%.

When it comes to the president, just 43% think he views U.S. society as generally fair and decent. Almost as many (38%) feel he sees society as unfair and discriminatory, while 19% are not sure. Voters have remained relatively divided on this question since Obama assumed office in January 2009. [ … ]

An overwhelming majority (73%) of voters say people who move to the United States from other parts of the world should adopt America’s culture, language and heritage. Only 16% say those people should maintain the culture of their own country. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. These findings show little change for several years now.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of men believe U.S. society is fair and decent, a view shared by 62% of women. More whites tend to believe society is fair and decent than blacks and voters of other races.

While 68% of Democrats feel the president thinks society is fair and decent, 58% of Republicans believe the opposite is true. Voters not affiliated with either political party are evenly divided.

A majority of blacks (63%) and voters of other races (52%) believe Obama views society as fair and decent, compared to just 39% of whites.

Separate polling finds that less than half of all adults nationwide believe the U.S. system of justice is fair to most Americans. But far more think the problem with the system is not that the innocent are treated unfairly but that the guilty go free.

Voters appear less concerned these days with protecting individual rights when it comes to national security and public safety.

Voters are more willing than ever to elect a woman president, and most think there’s a good chance a woman will win the White House in the next 10 years.

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