Rasmussen Poll: Just 17% Think Muslims Are Mistreated

By Brenda Walker


As usual, American citizens are able to see through the tiresome Islamo-propaganda which has been furiously pumped out in the last few weeks against the Homeland Security Committee hearing considering jihadist recruitment in this country.

The anti-American narrative from the well funded fifth column seeks to convince the public that Muslims residing here are victims of mean-spirited xenophobic citizens.

But hate crimes against Muslims are rare, according to the FBI, and the whole PR campaign of Islamic victimhood has failed to connect. Good.

Just 17% Believe American Muslims Are Treated Unfairly, Rasmussen Reports, March 11, 2011

Most voters don’t believe their fellow citizens are unfair to Muslim Americans. They also think Muslims in this country should be louder in their criticism of potential domestic terrorist attacks.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 17% of Likely U.S. Voters believe that most Muslims in America are treated unfairly because of their religion and ethnicity. Sixty-three percent (63%) disagree and say they are not treated unfairly while 20% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

A plurality (49%) of liberal voters, however, says there is bias against Muslim Americans. Eighty-one percent (81%) of conservatives and 57% of moderates disagree.

But only 10% of all voters think American Muslims are speaking out enough against potential terrorist attacks in the United States. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disagree and say they are not speaking out enough. One-in-three voters (34%) are not sure.

Those figures are similar to those found in a survey of all adults in September 2009. At that time, 15% believed that Muslims in this country were speaking out and 46% said they were not.

The House Committee on Homeland Security began hearings yesterday about the potential danger of domestic Islamic terrorism, and a sizable number of voters think the government is not paying enough attention to this possible threat. Most voters still worry, too, about homegrown terrorist attacks. [ … ]

Forty-four percent (44%) of voters think the United States is safer today than it was before the 9/11 terrorists attacks nearly 10 years ago. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree with that assessment, and another 20% are not sure.

In early January 2010, following an unsuccessful terrorist bombing attempt on a U.S. airliner landing in Detroit, confidence in the safety of the country fell into the mid-30s and remained there for several months. After another thwarted terrorist bombing attempt in New York City’s Times Square in May, confidence hit a low of 31%. Since August, confidence in the safety of the United States has risen back into the 40s.

Republicans and voters not affiliated with either of the major parties feel much more strongly than Democrats that American Muslims are not treated unfairly because of their religion and ethnicity.

Similarly, 69% of GOP voters and 60% of unaffiliateds say Muslims in this country are not speaking out enough about the threat of domestic terrorist attacks, a view shared by just 40% of Democrats.

Once again, there is a sizable gap between the Political Class and Mainstream voters. While 69% of those in the Mainstream say Muslim Americans are not treated unfairly in this country, Political Class voters are narrowly divided on the question.

Sixty-four percent (64%) of Mainstream voters think Muslims in America are not speaking out enough against potential terrorist attacks, but just 38% of the Political Class agree. Nearly half (48%) of Political Class voters are undecided.

In the September 2009 survey, 48% of Americans said it is the responsibility of American Muslims to speak out against terrorist attacks on the United States.

Only nine percent (9%) of U.S. voters said in December of last year that America’s relationship with the Muslim world will be better a year from now. When Rasmussen Reports first began regularly tracking the question in June 2009 at the time of President Obama’s speech in Cairo, Egypt, reaching out to the Muslim world, 32% thought relations between the two would be better in one year’s time.

Most Americans now fear that the political unrest in Arab nations like Egypt and Libya may get America into another big war.

But 80% of voters now think terrorism is a bigger threat to the country than traditional wars. Seventy-three percent (73%) fear a terrorist threat more than a nuclear attack.

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