Rasmussen Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds of Voters Object to Anchor Baby Citizenship

By Brenda Walker


The pollsters report that this is the highest percentage ever of opposition to jackpot babies getting citizenship, a practice stemming from a misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment.

In June of 2010, Rasmussen found that 58 percent rejected anchor baby citizenship, and the recent survey revealed 65 percent against the policy, so the voters have not forgotten about this issue.

Below, a May Day amnesty march in Los Angeles brought out a troop of strollers.

New High: 65% Oppose Automatic Citizenship for Children Born Here to Illegal Immigrants, Rasmussen Reports, November 18, 2011

Voters oppose more strongly than ever granting automatic U.S. citizenship to a child born to an illegal immigrant in this country.

Now, nearly two-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (65%) say if a woman enters the United States as an illegal alien and gives birth to a child here, that child should not automatically become a U.S. citizen.

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