A July 21-22 poll showed that only 38 percent of voters think the President is doing a good job of protecting the nation from foreign dangers, while 41 percent rank his behavior is poor.
Maybe concerned citizens have noticed that if thousands of illegal alien kiddies from Central America can easily break into the US, then determined jihadists bent on destroying western civilization can do so as well. Borders are a basic component of national security, after all.
Protecting America from foreign enemies (of which the US has many) is arguably the most important job of the President, so this poll would seem particularly devastating in the list comprising the failed Presidency.
Rating President Obama on The Issues: 38% Rate Obama Positively on National Security Rasmussen Reports, July 25, 2014Despite the United States’ growing involvement in headline-grabbing areas like Gaza and Ukraine, voters continue to give mediocre reviews to President Obama’s handling of national security issues.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters now think the president is doing a good or excellent job in the area of national security, but slightly more (41%) still rate his performance as poor. That’s generally in line with findings for the past year. A year ago, Obama earned positives of 40% and a negative of 35% for his national security dealings. (To see survey question wording, click here.)