H/T One Old Vet
Over at Red State, the inestimable Daniel Horowitz — whose prompt and incisive response to the Obamacrat Administrative Amnesty coup d'etat I praised last year — has posted his assessment of the first 100 pages of S.774, the 2013 Amnesty/Immigration Acceleration measure: Gang Plan: Perennial De Facto AmnestyApril 17th 2012. This is pretty good going — the thing has only been in the public domain since 2-25 AM this morning
… there is one overarching theme. This bill will keep our system in a perpetual state of de facto amnesty for years to come, engender the need for future amnesties, and never ensure true enforcement.
What Horowitz has grasped is that this is not just a question of Janet Napolitano being given absolute power to trigger legalization without any change in the border facts. (She
… merely submits a strategy for “achieving and maintaining effective control between the ports of entry in all high risk border sectors along the Southern border” within 6 months, everyone is eligible to apply for “Registered Provisional Immigrant” (RPI) legal status. That’s it.
Even worse
… we know from the conditions of the bill that almost every illegal in the country could be eligible for RPI status until proven otherwise. In fact, even some aliens already deported can come back and apply for the status. To that end, the bill requires DHS to provide all aliens, even those who are apprehended, “with a reasonable opportunity to file an application.”
(VDARE.com emphasis.) Effectively this will
… halt all deportations for 2.5 years. Subject to the discretion of the DHS, which they will use quite liberally, they could completely shut down deportations because any illegal can potentially be here before 2012; anyone could potentially pay the taxes [they never earned enough to pay] and the $500 fine; anyone could potentially be an Ag worker who is eligible for full legal status in 5 years. And anyone could potentially be eligible for the Dream Act, because, unlike previous iterations, this one does not mandate a maximum age for eligibility.
Meantime since there is no reason to expect that the border will actually be more secure
… many more people will come here illegally or overstay their visas. What would be the deterrent? … given that the E-verify and watered-down visa tracking system don’t have to be implemented for 10 years, we will be dealing with many more illegals … we will continue to play whack-a-mole, trying unsuccessfully to grant amnesty faster than new illegals enter the country.
Horowitz supplies an interesting fact I had missed
Congressman Louie Gohmert noted during a subcommittee hearing last week that a staggering 34.9% of all federal prosecutions under this administration (that’s including all the drug-related prosecutions) were for people reentering the country after they were already deported.
and concludes
This is not the time to go along with a plan that, even with good-will commitments, will not secure anything for 5-10 years while simultaneously suspending all interior enforcement. It’s a recipe for chaos.
More to the point, a recipe for entrenching the Minority Occupation Government