Redskins President Bruce Allen Fights Back Against Harry Reid, Defends Redskins Mascot Name
By Allan Wall
The National Football League’s Washington Redskins team is under attack over the mascot name "Redskins".
Early this week, fifty U.S. senators wrote a letter to the NFL commissioner asking him to force the Redskins´ owner Daniel Snyder to change their name. Think about it, these guys can’t balance the federal budget and they're spending time trying to coerce a football team into changing its name!
The encouraging news is that the Redskins haven’t buckled under yet. Redskins President Bruce Allen (son of Coach George Allen and brother of a politician with the same name) wrote a letter to the Senate Majority Leader, addressing him as "the Honorable [sic] Senator Harry Reid". You can read the entire text of the letter here.
Allen listed several reasons the Redskins mascot name is acceptable:
1. The term Redskins originated as a Native American term of solidarity. 2. Our logo was designed by Native Americans. 3. An overwhelming majority of Native Americans (90%!) do not find the name offensive. 4. The vast majority of Americans (83%) are in favor of keeping the team name.
Bruce Allen is an example to us all of how to resist the PC onslaught and fight back. (For more information, see this article here. )
Another defender of the Redskins is D.C.-born Redskins fan, the Nigerian-American rapper Olubowale Victor Akintimehin (known as Wale, or Wale Folarin) who has been tweeting criticism of Reid.(Here’s a photo of Wale wearing some Redskins regalia).
Here are some of Wale’s tweets:
- I don’t respect it . He pointin fingers but he super sketchy
— hes using racism to get press, cuz he knows racism is hot right now. SKETCHY
- Basically he tryna use racism to make a bigger name for his self . I’m. Not into politics like that but it’s a right an wrong thing
- people use racism to make a name for themselves now a days
You're right on Wale, about people using racism "to make a name for themselves".