Refugee Resettlement Watch Monthly Roundup: Amazon Reviewers Don’t Like It, Etc.

By James Fulford


my book cover

Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch Roundup is up:
Only one more month and we celebrate our 9th birthday here at Refugee Resettlement Watch. (I say ‘we’ because RRW was started with the help of my longtime good friend Judy.) Time flies when you are having fun they say!

Thanks all of you for staying with RRW (some of you for years)!

Posting is going to be a little light in the coming days because it’s hay-making time on the farm and my family has an important gathering coming up.

I have been planning to write a post about the comments (the reviews) at Amazon about my little book, but never got to it. You might want to check them out if you have a few minutes (there are 94 reviews). The ones I liked best are the critical ones especially:

This is what fear-mongering looks like. And she gets paid for it (Christine Heller)

Deliberately arousing public fear without meaningful contribution (Chris P.)

Ann Cprcoran makes me throw up (B.Davin)

As for the first comment, Christine, I don’t get paid for what I do. A small stipend to write the booklet, but you can get it free at the Center for Security Policy website! I have also received an occasional small honorarium to speak (from private organizations and not from the US taxpayer!).

The work I do has been my charitable contribution to America all these years, however, that may change as readers have urged me to add a donation button to RRW. I’m still thinking about it.

Now, to the Top Three most visited posts in the month of May:

Read the whole thing — and consider buying the book, since Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to Americais only $2.83 on Kindle or $6.00 in paperback.

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