Refugee Resettlement Watch Weekly Roundup: "Use Your Free Speech While You Have It!"

By James Fulford


Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch Weekly Roundupa2493e5822dae79e22ab9a8823ba9371_bigger[1] for the week ending June 6 is up, and as usual, she has lots of good stuff: the "Harangue of the week!" is

Use your free speech while you have it!

Everywhere I go, people ask what can they do and I say the number one thing you must do is do your research, get your facts and WRITE a blog or website so the good information you are finding gets out to people in your state — people you have never met, people not in your circle! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had 50 or 100 blogs focused on how immigration of all kinds is destroying America!

It might be overused, but it is true! Information is power! It does no good to unearth documents and reports and news generally on immigration issues where you live if the information never goes beyond your little group and is eventually lost!

"While you still have" it is worth thinking about — the more immigration we have, the less freedom of speech we'll be allowed.

The top three posts in the preceding week are

1) Minnesota Somalis: we would rather be in Somalia

2) Alabama: Massive food stamp fraud bust; some of your money went to Yemen

3) Stick’in it to Rep. Trey Gowdy, US State Department contractor World Relief brings first refugees to Spartanburg

As usual, I recommend that you bookmark RRW, subscribe by email, follow them on Twitter (@refugeewatcher) or Facebook (RefugeeInfoResource). They always have lots of good stuff.

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