Refugee Slowdown — Trump Administration Following And Federale Advice?
By Federale
It appears that someone in the Trump Administration is reading and Federale. Again, the Trump Administration has taken sound advice, in this case after reading my posting on fighting the interference by the kritarchs on refugee policy, the Administration sent out orders to give refugees the bureaucratic slowdown.
The would-be dictatorial kritarchs who are waging war on the Constitution and President Donald J. Trump think they have the upper hand. However, President Trump has additional action he can take to stop refugees coming to the United States. It is one of the options this writer recommended to clip the wings of the subversive bureaucrats at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and by extension, the saboteurs at the State Department …All President Trump needs to do is withdraw all the USCIS employees stationed overseas, in luxurious conditions at most posts, other than those assigned to investigate immigration benefit fraud. Those employees are from the Fraud and National Security Directorate.
Once the employees who process refugees are withdrawn, then State Department employees overseas who support refugee processing can also be withdrawn from those Embassies and Consulates that assist refugee processing. All this can be done administratively and will end the long-term flow of refugees.
[Trump’s Options In The Refugee War With The Kritarchs–The Executive Branch Can Refuse To Process The Refugees, by Federale, VDare, February 16, 2017]
And acting on good advice, the Trump Administration has ordered State Department officials to slow walk refugee applications! Note, this was originally posted on the Federale Blog February 15, 2017.
The U.S. State Department has ordered embassies to slow resettlement of refugees for the next few weeks and delay booking travel for refugees after March 3 as the numbers approach the annual cap of 50,000 set recently by President Donald Trump, according to American officials.U.S. officials from embassies in the Middle East said they received a directive Tuesday from the State Department’s Population, Refugee and Migration bureau to delay booking travel to the U.S. for refugees awaiting final resettlement after March 3. The directive said the numbers of refugees already admitted is close to Mr. Trump’s cap for 2017.
[U.S. Orders Slowdown of Refugee Resettlements, by By Maria Abi-Habib, WSJ, February 16, 2017] Full article here for those without a subscription.
While it might have been too little time between my post and the action by the State Department, great minds do think alike. Someone in the State Department does not hate America. That is great news.