Rep. Myrick wakes up on Illegal Immigration: Victim does not.

By Peter Brimelow


According to The Charlotte Observer, Tina Gardner, widow of Scott Gardner, killed in the illegal-immigrant DWI tragedy last Saturday, has still not regained consciousness. That sounds very bad to me.

[N.C. has only 1 deportation officer -The Charlotte Observer- Jim Morrill July 21 2005 Access requires registration. ] Also here.

An N.C. friend says that their church has opened a fund for their children, very likely to be orphans:

"The family has requested that contributions be sent to the Gardner’s church for a trust fund for the children: First Baptist Church, 300 South Main Street, Mt. Holly, NC " 28120

U.S Rep Susan Myrick, the Congresswoman representing the Gardner’s district, made some useful remarks in the article:

Calling a single deportation officer for North Carolina "inexcusable," U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick asked federal immigration officials Wednesday to explain why they're "not fulfilling their responsibilities … In her letter, Myrick called Gardner’s death "entirely preventable." She cited Gallegos' previous DWI charges and said he was "still never deported." She has called immigration enforcement "a mess."

We must all agree. Unfortunately, the explanation for the situation is the GWBush Administration’s refusal to enforce immigration law, and indeed, encouragement of more illegal immigration -in turn permitted by the weak stance on immigration by U.S.Representatives like Sue Meyrick. Rep Mike Mcintyre — a Democrat — in whose district last Saturday’s tragedy occurred — has a better record.

However, there is a Balm in Gilead (Sound !!- be discreet!). After all, Enoch Powell’s initial reaction to Asian immigration to the U.K. was friendly. Maybe, with the facts, Sue Myrick will do her duty.

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