Replaced By A Hispanic — Feinstein Shock Defeat Shows Rise Of Ethnonationalism In Democrat Party

By James Kirkpatrick


Since the election of President Donald Trump, there have been innumerable hot takes about the supposed rise of ethnonationalism in the Republican Party. Of course, what’s actually happening is the rise of a new spirit of civic nationalism in the Republican Party, but since the only people who are still willing to identify with the symbols, heritage and heroes of historic America are whites, this is inevitably condemned as "white nationalism."

What is less commented on, mostly because it is taken for granted as A Good Thing but the chattering classes, is the rise of ethnonationalism within the Democrat Party. The racial politics here are far more overt and obvious. And now, Dianne Feinstein has failed to win the nomination of her own party. The California Democrats are instead backing Kevin de Leon, whom Allan Wall predicted could be the first "Reconquista Senator." De Leon has openly bragged about how his family obtained phony documentation and social security numbers, has an Obama-like obsession using racial identity to substitute for the experience of an absentee father, and thinks any kind of immigration enforcement is "white supremacy."

Now, he may be a Senator.

Riven by conflict between progressive and more moderate forces at the state party’s annual convention here, delegates favored Feinstein’s progressive rival, state Senate leader Kevin de León, over Feinstein by a vote of 54 percent to 37 percent, according to results announced Sunday.

Neither candidate reached the 60 percent threshold required to receive the party endorsement for 2018. But the snubbing of Feinstein led de León to claim a victory for his struggling campaign.

“The outcome of today’s endorsement vote is an astounding rejection of politics as usual, and it boosts our campaign’s momentum as we all stand shoulder-to-shoulder against a complacent status quo,” de León said in a prepared statement. “California Democrats are hungry for new leadership that will fight for California values from the front lines, not equivocate on the sidelines.”

[California Democrats decline to endorse Feinstein, by David Siders and Carla Marinucci, Politico, February 25, 2018]

It should be noted he still failed to win the party nomination, so Feinstein may still win because she has the name recognition. However, this is is still a shocking rebuke and a sign overtly tribalist candidates are beginning to shoulder aside the liberal gentry like Feinstein.

Like Luis Gutierrez, de Leon is less a progressive than an extreme right wing nationalist for a foreign people. As more and more of the Democrat Party is made up of such people, expect more tribal warfare within the Coalition of the Oppressed as each ethnic group tries to put their tribunes first.

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