Report: Communist Protester Killed In Atlanta Was Venezuelan Immigrant
By A.W. Morgan
Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, the communist terrorist whom police shot during an anti-cop “protest” in Atlanta, was a Venezuelan immigrant. That information about Terán, who shot a cop, flies way under the radar in the Associated Press love story about him. But the William McKinley Institute’s John Kelly provides that fact in the first paragraph of his updated story about Antifa’s Revenge-For-Terán Riot in Atlanta:
On January 21, 2023 a number of organizations and individuals descended on Peachtree Fountains Plaza, a park located in a failed shopping mall in downtown Atlanta, to protest the death of Manuel Esteban Paez Terán (aka Tortugita [sic] or “Tort”). Terán, an immigrant from Venezuela, had been camping on the site where a new police training facility is being built and was involved with the “Stop Cop City” campaign to put an end [to] the facility’s construction. According to a statement made on January 18 by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, as multiple agencies were clearing the area of activists, Terán refused to comply with verbal commands and shot a Georgia State Patrol Trooper with a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm. Officers then returned fire, killing Terán.
[Black Bloc Riots in Downtown Atlanta To Avenge Death Of Attempted Cop Killer, January 29, 2023]
Self-proclaimed “forest defenders” in Atlanta are calling for a more thorough investigation into the death of a protester known as Tortuguita who was killed by authorities after officials said the activist shot a trooper.
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 29, 2023
But AP’s R.J. Rico described Terán, also known as Tortugita (Little Turtle) this way:
Tortuguita was a “citizen of Earth,” Paez said, growing up in their home country of Venezuela as well as Aruba, London, Russia, Egypt, Panama and the U.S. as their stepfather’s oil industry career led the family around the world. Tortuguita graduated magna cum laude from Florida State University and had been active in Food Not Bombs, helping feed homeless people in Tallahassee, Florida.
[Protesters: ‘Cop City’ activist’s killing doesn’t make sense, January 29, 2023]
The key word that’s missing: immigrant.
Note that AP’s headline assumes the “protesters’” claim of “murder” is credible. In the 23rd of 35 paragraphs, Rico buried the evidence from GBI that refutes that claim, and should have been the headline and lead: “Forensic ballistic analysis has confirmed that the projectile recovered from the trooper’s wound matches Teran’s handgun” [GBI Investigates Officer Involved Shooting Following Multi-Agency Operation at Site of Future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center,, January 25, 2023].
In other words, the premise of Rico’s story is false. Terán’s death makes perfect sense. He tried to murder a cop.
(2/3) The handgun is described as a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm. Forensic ballistic analysis has confirmed the projectile recovered from the trooper’s wound matches Teran’s handgun. Other preliminary information released in this case is consistent with the investigation so far.
— GA Bureau of Investigation (@GBI_GA) January 21, 2023
The communists also plan to make trouble for WMKI for its story about the riot, which includes a number of photos and videos, Kelly reported, by seeking information about the group’s photographer.
Kudos to Kelly and WMKI for exposing these “protesters” for what they really are: communist terrorists.