Report: Unlicensed Drivers Make Los Angeles Roads More Dangerous
In Los Angeles, unlicensed drivers (who are almost always illegal aliens) have been a source of criticism from public safety advocates because Mayor Villaraigosa and PD Chief Beck have been cutting them extra slack. The purpose of the permissiveness is to make life easier for foreign lawbreakers, and particularly to facilitate their driving to the jobs they have stolen from Americans.
Over the last several months, Chief Beck has weakened the policy of impounding the vehicles of unlicensed drivers from 30 days to one day, in violation of state law. He has also ended compliance with the federal Secure Communities program, by which already arrested illegal aliens in jail are handed over to ICE for deportation.
Clearly public safety is not a high priority for Los Angeles political leaders, particularly the mayor, when measured against the convenience of foreign lawbreakers.
Don Rosenberg, the father of a young man killed by an unlicensed driver has been an outspoken advocate using traditional ideas of policing and licensing to stop preventable deaths on the roads.
Below, Don Rosenberg holds a photo of his late son Drew, who was killed by an unlicensed driver.
To advance his cause of public safety on the roadways, Rosenberg has appeared on talk radio, given testimony before the California legislature, spoken at public forums and created a website
More recently he has written a well researched paper, Los Angeles Traffic Addressing Safety Issues.
Report: Illegal Drivers Behind High Hit-And-Run Rate In LA, CBS LA, October 11, 2012
LOS ANGELES ( — The number of hit-and-run accidents in Los Angeles is four times higher than the national average, with one in five fatal crashes involving an unlicensed driver, according to a new report.
Don Rosenberg, the founder of, told KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO that an estimated 750,000 illegal immigrants live in the L.A. area and those who drive could pose “an immense threat to society”.
“The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports unlicensed drivers are five times more likely to kill, they will flee the scene over 50 percent of the time, five times more likely to drive drunk,” said Rosenberg.
In a whitepaper compiling statistics of hit-and-run accidents, Rosenberg found that unlicensed drivers were involved in more than 7,600 fatal crashes — about 20 percent of fatal crashes nationwide.
There were an estimated 21,000 hit-and-run collisions that were reported as “accidents” in Los Angeles in 2010 alone, according to the study.
“In Los Angeles in terms of hit-and-runs, it’s way outside the norm,” said Rosenberg. “On a national level, there’s about 11 percent of traffic collisions end up being hit-and-runs…in Los Angeles, it’s 50 percent.”
Rosenberg, whose son was killed by an unlicensed driver in November 2010, said the actual number of hit-and-run accidents by unlicensed drivers may be much higher because the LAPD does not take a report if no one is injured.
“You’ve got a very high concentrated population of illegal aliens in Los Angeles; they drive,” he said. “Matter of fact, the police chief actually encourages them to drive as long as they buy insurance.”
LAPD Chief Charlie Beck told a group of Los Angeles Times reporters in February that the state of California should issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants to help reduce the number of hit-and-run accidents.