Rick Perry And God

By James Fulford


Kathy Shaidle reproduces this more or less blasphemous picture, which of course is not on the front of a real church — it’s Democratic Underground style phony from a Democratic website named JuanitaJean.com.

Her comment is "presuming you speak for God is a much bigger sin than believing God speaks to you."

You can make your own similar sign here. One clue that it’s phony is that there is no such thing as a "Texas Baptist Church" — you don’t have one Baptist Church for an entire state. There is however, a real-lifeTexas Baptist Conference. Their actual attitude to gays is that it’s a sin, their actual attitude to Muslims is that they should come to Jesus and convert, and their actual attitude to Mexicans, which in this context means illegal immigrants is … disappointing.

In fact, if Rick Perry did "harass Mexicans" — I. E. support immigration enforcement, border control, E-Verify to protect American jobs, et cetera, it’s possible someone at the Texas Baptist Conference would complain.

But he doesn’t! That’s the really crazy part. He’s the most Mexico-friendly, immigration loving, Big Business employer collaborating Texas Governor since … the last Governor of Texas, George W. Bush. See Rick Perry — Another Texas Governor for Amnesty for details.

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