By Allan Wall
Well, Rick Perry is dropping out of the race for president. I was visiting the website of Mexico’s El Universal, and I saw an article there about his resignation. The article’s subtitle described Perry as
" The governor of Texas, one of the leading critics of Mexico … "
Perry renuncia a contender por candidatura republicana
El gobernador de Texas, uno de los máximos crĂticos de MĂ©xico, anunciĂł su retiro e hizo pĂşblico su apoyo a Newt Gingrich, a quien considera un 'verdadero conservador'
January 19, 2012
Wow, is that the best description they can think of for Rick Perry? Don’t they appreciate Perry’s "Dream Act" for illegal aliens in Texas, his opposition to a border fence, and his overall tolerance of Mexican illegal immigration in Texas?
Such gratitude.