
Rick Singer in Australia: Record Number Of "Indigenous" Doctors Graduate

By Steve Sailer


From the PR department of the University of New South Wales, Sydney a few years ago:

Record number of Indigenous doctors graduate from UNSW

15 DEC 2014

UNSW Medicine celebrated a milestone today with the graduation of six Indigenous doctors — the highest number in a single year.

The graduations cement UNSW’s place as a leader in Indigenous medical education. Most of the group are the first in their families to attend university and credit UNSW’s unique Indigenous support program and scholarships with helping them to realise their ambitions.

Two of the graduates, Khyarne Biles and Tyron Clayworth, had scholarships provided by The Balnaves Foundation, and all six students received residential scholarships from the Shalom Gamarada program to live on campus.

Note: If you are in Australia, don’t cast aspersions on the Aboriginality of these Indigenes or you can get Bolted.

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