Robert Reich Tweets On Thanksgiving Day: "No Human Being Is Illegal On Stolen Land"
By Allan Wall
Thanksgiving Day is a day to thank God for our blessings, be together with family, eat turkey, watch football.
For Robert Reich, Thanksgiving Day was a day to delegitimize the existence of the U.S.A. through an arrogant tweet. This tweet was tweeted out at 3 p.m., at which time Reich should have been relaxing on the couch after eating. But for Robert Reich, tweeting this was what he wanted to do.
Just a reminder: No human being is illegal on stolen land.
This ridiculous argument totally delegitimizes the existence and sovereignty of the United States.
If the U.S. is really "stolen land" where nobody is illegal, then the U.S. has no right to control its own immigration policy and thus its own sovereignty.
Robert Reich, you may remember, is the one who made the famous "white construction workers" comment before a congressional committee in 2009.
Just two minutes later, a tweeter calling himself/herself "obaan" chimed in with this tweet:
Unless you are an Indian native American, this country doesn’t belong to you. Yeah, also, you didn’t build it. Slaves shipped from African did, with the resources stolen from all over the world.
When I looked at that thread, most of the replies were in opposition to this ridiculous declaration.
It’s sad to think of people who hate America so much they can’t even relax and enjoy Thanksgiving Day. For them it has just become another opportunity to hate on the country that gave them success.
That’s who we're dealing with.