Robert Spencer: Jihad Terror Is the New Normal for Europe

By Brenda Walker


The editor of JihadWatch did a fine job of explaining the state of Europe following the Merkelized immigration of Muslim unfriendlies. The latest atrocity was the machete attack on two Belgian policewomen in the town of Charleroi, for which ISIS has claimed responsibility.

Robert Spencer appeared on Fox Business Monday to answer the question “Is jihad terror the new normal in Europe?”

Of course the answer is Yes, because ISIS has been happy to walk through the door that German Chancellor Merkel opened when she invited displaced Syrians to her country (and legions of other Muslims joined in). The important point is that ISIS is using the overwhelming numbers of unidentified foreigners to swamp the police.

Spencer warned the same thing can happen here (where the FBI already is investigating 900 terror cases). And right on cue, it was reported on Monday that if the Obama surge of quickie screening continues, the number of Syrians admitted next year may reach 30,000.

Of course, the proper number for Muslim immigrants is ZERO. America does not need workers, the nation is quite diverse enough and citizens don’t want the traditional culture overwhelmed by hostile jihadist foreigners.

ASHLEY WEBSTER: In Belgium, two police officers were attacked over the weekend by a man with a machete screaming in Arabic. It’s familiar story unfortunately, Robert Spencer, author of the Complete Infidels Guide to the Koran. Is this the new normal for Europe, do you believe, these types of stories? Because it feels like we’re hearing about them almost on a daily basis.

ROBERT SPENCER: There’s no doubt that it’s the new normal for Europe. The Islamic state ISIS has called for these kinds of attacks. They’ve made a concerted effort to get people into Europe to launch these kinds of attacks from within the refugee influx. Remember the two of the Paris attackers last November were refugees. This man was an Algerian national who’d come into Europe in 2012, and so there are many many others embedded among the peaceful refugees who are actually Islamic jihadis. There are going to be many many more attacks like this one.

WEBSTER: And the question is how much at risk is the United States? We know that Europe has struggled with this: they have a large number of migrants, refugees, to your point, that have come in. What about the United States? Where are our vulnerabilities?

SPENCER: Our vulnerabilities are everywhere. The more people, the more refugees that Barack Obama brings in, the more likely this kind of thing is to happen in the United States. Remember that Tashfin Malik, the San Bernardino shooter, had passed five separate background checks from five different US agencies, and so we’re bringing in only refugees who were vetted and checked — and that vetting is completely useless.

WEBSTER: What’s interesting and then to that point, I want to get back to Europe and France. One of the suspects arrested in the death of the priest in in northern France had actually been on their radar, very much so, even had a tracking bracelet on his ankle and yet they were unable to stop this attack, but we don’t have — I don’t think anyone has — the resources to follow suspects 24 hours a day.

SPENCER: That’s the ISIS strategy, and see, that man’s tracking bracelet, it was actually turned off for three hours every morning, and that’s when he did this attack. And the ISIS strategy is to overwhelm law enforcement in Europe and the United States with so many of these jihadis that we just can’t possibly keep track of all of them, and it’s working.

WEBSTER: How do we stop this? I would assume that you would believe this is going to continue. Will it increase in its frequency?

SPENCER: It’s going to increase; there’s just no doubt about that. That’s a hundred percent certainty. One of the things we have to do is really reconsider whether we need to bring these refugees in, when the Saudis, for example, are taking absolutely none of them and attributing their refusal to the fact that there are terrorists among them. We ought to be able to do the same thing.

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