Robert Vasquez has been mentioned in these pages before — he’s was Commissioner of Canyon County in Idaho, and he once sent the Mexican Government a bill for what their citizens were costing Canyon County. Here, he’s complaining about the University Of Idaho Law School’s Tribal And Immigration Clinic,Ex-commissioner says UI Law School illegally defends immigrantsAG Weekly Online — Twin Falls, Idaho
MOSCOW, Idaho (AP) A former Canyon County commissioner and vocal foe of illegal immigration says instructors and students at the University of Idaho Law School are breaking the law by offering free legal representation to people who face deportation or other immigration proceedings.
"Federal law states that anyone who aids and abets an illegal alien in remaining in the United States is committing a felony," Robert Vasquez told the Lewiston Tribune.
Monica Schurtman, [Send her mail]a UI professor and supervising attorney for the Tribal Clinic, laughed off Vasquez’s criticism.
"That’s really funny," she said. "What we try to do is assist our clients in a well-established legal system to remain legally in the United States."
Schurtman said the immigration aspect was added to the clinic in 2000 when she saw immigration as a growing concern in the state.
Schurtman has a point in that lawyers are generally exempt from being considered accessories after the fact, but I question the use of the taxpayer’s money and the students' time to aid in the Mexican invasion of Idaho. A while back, I wrote
But even if one granted a theoretical “public good” in helping to make sure that justice is done to accused American citizens, it wouldn’t apply to the Treason Lobby’s free (or worse, taxpayer subsidized) legal assistance to people who aren’t part of the the American public at all.Perhaps they should call this kind of advocacy “Pro Bono Mexico.”
Perhaps they'd be better employed defending towns like Farmer’s Branch and Hazleton from the ACLU, or employers who try to check for illegals from the Federal Government’s anti-discrimination police.