Rocks for Jocks Not for Whites at Pomona College

By Steve Sailer


For whatever reason, Pomona and the other Claremont colleges in Southern California, such as Harvey Mudd and Claremont McKenna, seem intent on providing me with unending iSteve material, such as my latest Taki’s column on the professor denounced at Pomona for having the wrong (white) genes if she has the right (left) politics.

But, wait, there’s more! From The Daily Caller:

Whites Need Not Apply For Geology Class At Pomona

David Krayden 2:51 PM 04/27/2017

Enrollment is tight for professor Linda Reinen’s geology class at Pomona College.

So you had better be the right race or a member of some other perceived disadvantaged group if you expect to make the grade.

Reinen plans to use a racial preference system to decide who gets to take a fall course that she will be teaching, Campus Reform reports, based on a story first reported in the Claremont Independent. She’s going to rank students on the basis of their colour, whether they’re immigrants or if they come from low-income families.

The course is entitled “Southern California Earthquakes and Water” and is a beginner geology class that looks at “the particular geologic challenges” of living in Southern California. Although the course has nothing to do with racial politics or even social science, Reinen wants “students from a range of backgrounds whose varied perspectives will contribute to this course.”

Isn’t “contribute to this course” code for Fewer Asians, especially Fewer Asian Coeds? In my experience, the best student verbal contributions to classroom discussions tend to come from white guys like, well, me.

For example, I don’t know anything about geology, but, still, here’s a letter in The New York Times in 1994 about media misconceptions about the Northridge Earthquake:

January 30, 1994

To the Editor:

The many pronouncements that the Northridge, Calif., earthquake was only “moderate” stem from a pervasive misunderstanding of the Richter scale’s limitations. It gauges the total force released, not how violent the shaking is on the surface.

This is like ranking hurricanes simply by their diameter, while ignoring differences in wind speed.

The ferocity of the Northridge quake was out of proportion to its fairly modest 6.6 Richter rating because of the relative shallowness of the fault slippage point, and because the quake’s epicenter was squarely in the middle of the San Fernando Valley, a densely populated area built on soft, easily agitated sediment.

If we could also have a scale that summed up the jolting felt by everyone affected, we might well conclude that no earthquake in American history has shaken more people more intensely.


Chicago, Jan. 20, 1994

A staffer from the NYT called me to say that was a pretty good letter, but did I have any qualifications they could cite for my opining? Nah, I said, I just have lots of opinions.

[Comment at]

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