Romney Florida Ads — Message Depends on the Language
By Allan Wall
According to the Weekly Standard, the messages of Mitt Romney’s campaign ads in Florida depend on the language he’s broadcasting in:
> … Romney has had Florida airwaves virtually to himself. He has been advertising heavily in all 10 of Florida’s major media markets, using three English-language ads and one in Spanish. The first Romney ad went up in the state on January 3 — the date of the Iowa caucuses — meaning that Romney will have been on the air in Florida for nearly a month by the time polls open. The English-language ads include a short biographical sketch, an ad that highlights the moral responsibility of addressing the national debt, and another touting Romney’s business record. The Spanish-language ad, narrated by Romney’s son Craig, touts his support in the Cuban-American community.[The New Romney Firewall, Stephen F. Hayes, The Weekly Standard, January 30, 2012]