Romney, Obama Tied; White Share Stalled At 58%; The Moral Of Mack In FL

By Peter Brimelow


The RealClearPolitics Average has tightened again (Oct 15), with Mitt Romney now tied with Barack Obama 47.3-47.3. This seems to be because of two new polls released this morning:

Despite asking all kinds of silly questions like "During this campaign, do you think [NAME] has been mainly (attacking his opponent) or mainly (addressing the issues)?" WaPo-ABC do not include the racial breakdown of their poll. This, of course, reflects the MSM’s extreme aversion to mentioning the decisive role of the white vote.

Rasmussen makes racial breakdowns available to its Premium Platinum subscribers. Romney’s white share has stalled at 58%, two points less than the Congressional GOP got in 2010 and six points less than Reagan got in 1984. (More white share comparisons here — scroll down).

The GOP’s problem is well illustrated by Florida. Rasmussen recently reported Romney finally ahead of Obama 51-47 in the state, because of his 62% white share. This morning, Rasmussen reports GOP Senate candidate Connie Mack trailing Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson 45-46. Mack’s white share: a pitiful 53%.

Not coincidentally, Mack is useless on patriotic immigration reform. He denounced Arizona’s SB 1070 in the Washington Post (May 28, 2010). And, again not coincidentally, Sheldon Adelson put $1 million into his superPAC. (POLITICO, June 16 2012).

No doubt that made Mack’s campaign consultants very happy. There’s just this minor problem: the voters.

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