Ron Paul on Not Pandering To Latinos

By Allan Wall


Kudos to Ron Paul who said in an interview that he doesn’t plan to pander to Hispanics. As reported in Ron Paul : I’m Not Going to Kowtow to the Latino Vote (Jason M. Volack, ABC News, Oct. 4th, 2011):

"Rep. Ron Paul gave a sneak peek into how his administration would handle illegal immigrants, telling a Spanish language news program, I’m not going to kowtow to Latino voters.

Paul, appearing on Univision’s Sunday morning politics show “Al Punto,” said that illegal immigrants shouldn’t be given any special route to citizenship. Paul instead suggested the possibility of their earning a work permit to fold them into the American legal system."

[I certainly don’t agree with that part. They shouldn’t get a work permit, they should be deported.]

“If everyone who comes illegally is automatically given citizenship, a vote, and can apply for welfare, that would not be good format because we would have more of it,” said Paul."


"Paul also offered a different interpretation of the 14th amendment, adding that children of illegal immigrants are not under the jurisdiction of U.S. law and thus should not be given automatic citizenship."

[Right on!]

"He also shrugged off any worries that his message might not appeal to Latino voters who are concerned about immigration reform.

“If you think I need to have a different message for Hispanics than I do for other people, I think that’s unnecessary,” said Paul. “I don’t want to punish anyone who belongs to a special group, and nobody should get special privilege either.”

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