Rose-Colored Glasses Coming Off
In Britain, dissatisfaction with immigration has been on the uptick, despite the bloviations to the contrary of the elites who benefit from cheap labor and/or believe in the questionable charms of diversity.One worker in eight is foreign born
and more than 12 percent of working-age people are foreign born. There have been too many foreigners too fast, not to mention the hostile sons of Allah blowing people up.(The photo shows Muslims accosting London worshippers as they left Westminster Cathedral in September 2006.)
Almost every UK region has difficulties in housing, health, education and crime because of increased migration, according to an official report. [Migration 'causes pressure in UK', BBC 10/17/07]
As a member of the EU, Britain welcomed Polish immigrants, who are now the third-largest immigrant group: two million Poles now occupy the island, more than live in Warsaw. Sausage diversity is up, that’s for sure.
But Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said migration on the scale Britain was currently facing was having a "huge impact" with "little economic justification".He added the government must look at cutting the numbers of migrants from non-EU countries.
"You cannot do anything about the eastern Europeans because they are members of the EU and their numbers are likely to decline as the level of these economies come up," he said.
"Three quarters of migrants come from the rest of the world."
A couple weeks ago, the Pew Foundation released a poll showing that many people around the world have a negative view of immigration:
In both affluent countries in the West and in the developing world, people are concerned about immigration. Large majorities in nearly every country surveyed express the view that there should be greater restriction of immigration and tighter control of their country’s borders.
And in another example of unhappiness, one of the major bastions of liberal immigration, Canada, is questioning multiculturalism just a little bit:
"There is now a sense of urgency to more clearly define and explain the principle of reasonable accommodation, as alarming shifts regarding the split between 'them' and 'us' may occur," the briefing says. "This is of particular concern in Quebec, at a time when the government is putting programs in place to close gaps affecting minority groups." ['Them' and 'us' split spreading nationwide, federal officials warn, By Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, October 19, 2007]