Roy Beck On The New Documentary: "THEY COME TO AMERICA II, The Cost of Amnesty."

By James Fulford


Roy Beck of NumbersUSA writes in email:

Half-way border security and half-way interior enforcement is not at all what Sen. Marco Rubio promised when he was gaining support earlier this year from people like Sean Hannity and Mike Huckabee.

Now, both influential TV hosts are turning over all or much of their shows this weekend to Dennis Michael Lynch, a filmmaker who specializes in showing the failure of the government to live up to promises to protect its workers and citizens from immigration harm.

At this moment, Lynch and his film are scheduled to be featured on:

Fox News Channel
Thursday, July 4 — at 9 p.m. Eastern and again at Midnight

Fox News Channel
In front of live audience
Saturday, July 6 — at 8 p.m. Eastern
Sunday, July 7 — at 8 p.m. & 11 p.m. Eastern

This may be another sign of momentum shifting AGAINST the S. 744 amnesty bill of Pres. Obama and Sen. Rubio.

The momentum FOR the bill seemed to stop about two minutes after the Senate passed it last week.

Since then, most of the news has been about resistance to the bill.

Lynch’s latest documentary is called, "THEY COME TO AMERICA II, The Cost of Amnesty."

You can see more about it at:

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