Ruben Aguilar On Marches And Fox’s May Day Plans
By Allan Wall
Ruben Aguilar, the spokesman for President Vicente Fox, had a few interesting things to say at a press conference on an April 17th.
He discussed the ongoing pro-illegal protest marches in the U.S.:
As for the marches, as you know, our consulates…have been instructed not to participate in them, they cannot do it, it would be an interference in the affairs of another country…by no means are they participating in the promotion of these marches.”
That’s quite interesting. Why would the Fox administration have to tell consulates not to interfere if they hadn’t been doing so already?
This could also indicate that the Mexican government is beginning to realize that ordinary Americans are beginning to realize that Mexico meddles in U.S. immigration policy.
Anyway, Aguilar made it clear that regular consulate activity would continue, which means regular meddling will continue.
As will the distribution of the matricula consular cards But the real problem with the matricula consular is not that Mexico issues them. The real problem is that so many American municipal governments accept them.
Back at the press conference, Aguilar pointed out that the SRE (Mexican foreign ministry) is following immigration legislation in the United States. No doubt about that. The SRE is better informed about our immigration system than most Americans.
A reporter from the AP asked if President Fox would purchase American products on May 1st (the day of the planned boycott). Aguilar answered that the president would be working and “certainly will not enter into any store.”
Does he usually go to stores anyway?