Rubio’s "Comeback" Starts Sunday in San Juan, Puerto Rico — Where Nobody Has A Vote In The Presidential Election

By Steve Sailer


From the New York Times:

Mr. Rubio, who backed out of trips to Kentucky and Louisiana on Friday to make three stops across Kansas, has an increasingly narrow path and is confronting the prospect of a humiliating loss in his own state next week. He has won just a single state, Minnesota, and lags well behind Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz in delegates.

“The states that voted tonight are states that quite frankly some of my opponents just do better in, we recognized that going in,” Mr. Rubio told reporters in Puerto Rico, where he is hoping to find a win Sunday.

According to the Banana Republican brain trust poolside at the Biltmore, America’s future is to become ever more like Puerto Rico, so it would only be fitting that Marco Rubio’s historic comeback starts in P.R.

Granted, it’s kind of weird that there is a Republican primary in Puerto Rico, since Puerto Ricans aren’t allowed to vote for President …

But the good news for Rubio doesn’t stop there. Next Saturday is the District of Columbia caucus.


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