Russian TV Documents France Going Muslim
It’s interesting to see another video reporting on the rapid Islamicization of France. (See the recent Hungarian piece and a December item from Russia’s RT network.)
Russia has serious problems with its unfriendly Muslims and its media may be checking out France to see how things might develop. As an example of concern, a couple weeks ago the mayor of Moscow ended further mosque construction.
Unsurprisingly, we don’t see Sixty Minutes visiting to check on the worsening situation following its shocking 2004 report The New French Revolution about the violent Muslim neighborhoods. The more a society crumbles into anarchy because of diversity, the less the press wants to investigate.
The present report predicts that France will turn Islamic in a short 23 years if demographic trends continue. And nobody in the French government is doing anything to stop Muslim immigration.
Demographic change is unforgiving and can happen overnight if political elites support it. We in California have experienced it firsthand. Hostile uneducated Mexicans are bad enough, but Muslim immigrants are a different matter entirely. America should learn from Europe’s disastrous example and cease Muslim immigration here.
00:00 And now in Europe, the capital of the old world is changing its cultural appearance before our eyes.
00:04 What if the kings of France who are buried in the Basilica of Saint-Denis near Paris
00:07 had known in what surroundings they would come to rest?
00:12 Report on an unrecognizable France by Olga Skabaeva, our special correspondent.
00:20 Here twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, we only speak Arabic
00:23 because the French language is prohibited. In the Muslim school,
00:26 registrations are already closed a year in advance.
00:32 Each day, the first lesson on the timetable is the Koran as a true Muslim
00:35 must learn by heart 114 suras of the Holy Book.
00:44 Aisha’s drawing is on the wall, but it isn’t either her mother or her father or even her friends,
00:47 but Allah because he must be in first place in her life.
00:52 For two years this little girl from Morocco and her eight sisters have been
00:55 wearing the chador, and in Aisha’s family, nobody is trying to learn the French language.
01:04 Even though he lives in France, a good Muslim should say the bismillah (in the name of God
01:07 the most beneficent and merciful) before eating, before sleeping, and before praying.
01:17 French law prohibits the wearing of a jilbab in a school, a long garment covering the entire body except the face and hands …
01:25 … but in this school, secular law does not apply. Moreover, the word ‘secular’ translates into Arabic as anti-religious.
01:33 I respect my religion and that is why I wear the chador, if France is against it, then
01:37 it’s banned for the French but not to me. Only Allah can forbid me anything.
01:41 Last year in Paris, three clandestine Islamic schools were closed, so today their addresses are no longer available …
01:45 … on the internet, or in the city directory because these schools have taken measures. Officially this school does not exist.
01:53 We teach our students that they are Muslims, and first and foremost they must live
01:56 according to the laws of Allah because only Allah is true.
02:01 Do not stop and do nothing to be afraid of Allah, this is what is written in the Koran.
02:09 Couronnes is the largest Muslim ghetto in Paris, and indeed, here they are afraid of nothing.
02:13 The Muslims in the ghettos live according to their own laws.
02:21 In the 11th, 18th and 20th arrondissements only halal meat is sold at the market,
02:24 and articles for believers at a discount reduction.
02:27 Here, one woman in two wears a burqa.
02:33 And five times a day the call of the muezzin. Here in Belleville there are almost only Muslims left.
02:42 I do not know whether they are Muslims or not, but me and my children have already been
02:45 the target of attacks by teenagers, it is dangerous to live here.
02:54 Nobody knows exactly how many there are, but at least 10% of the French population is Muslim.
02:57 In fact, 6 to 8 million, and this is the record in Europe.
03:02 Each year 200,000 people come here legally, plus 200,000 others who cross the border without papers.
03:10 But think a little, we compress the French. We give out passports left and right,
03:13 not even thinking if the individual wants to be French, or is capable of doing so.
03:22 If you do not want France to cover her face with a veil, we must stop the flow of immigrants, it is absolutely necessary
03:25 to prohibit their entry because at such a pace, we will become an Islamic country.
03:34 In fact, 43% of people who came to France have never tried to find work, 19% of them live below
03:37 the poverty line in cardboard boxes by the side of the street.
03:42 We have nothing, no home, no job, and the city of Paris gives us nothing, does not give us work.
03:50 And here is an improvised city of homeless people, right next door to the Basilica of Saint-Denis,
03:53 which contains 25 queens, 10 kings and 84 princes.
04:03 Today, 9 km from the Elysée Palace it’s no longer necessary to speak French. Approximately 1,500 refugees
04:07 and beggars live here, the stove is on 24/24, this suburb of Paris is the poorest but also the most criminal.
04:23 And here, too, one in five is Muslim. In this current population, Islam has long since conquered Europe.
04:26 In general, the ethnic French have one child per family, while Muslims have five.
04:35 If this situation continues in this direction, sociologists have estimated that in 23 years the Fifth Republic will become Muslim.
04:38 It will no longer be forbidden to pray in the streets and the French will just have to resign themselves to it.
04:51 In France there are 2,200 mosques that occupy an area of 300,000 square meters. According to the evaluation
04:54 of the Muslim Council of France, every Muslim needs a minimum of one square meter …
05:03 … for performing religious rites, which means the number of mosques will have to double.