
Russian War Propaganda Strikingly Lacking In Explosion Porn

By Steve Sailer


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The Ukrainian propaganda effort includes disseminating tons of exciting Explosion Porn videos of Russian vehicles blowing up. In contrast, Russian propaganda content is strikingly bloodless.

For example, in the Russian Ministry of Defense video above, we see exciting point-of-view footage of a Russian helicopter shooting missiles at some vague ground target in the distance, but the editor cuts away just before the rockets are about to impact.

It’s as if the Russians appear ashamed that anybody is getting blown up in their Special Military Operation, which is not at all a “war.”

I have to admire how humane the Russian sensibility has been (so far).

Thus, I don’t take too seriously concerns that the Russians are soon to be pouring through the Fulda Gap on their way to the Rhine because I get the vague impression that most Russians don’t have their heart in it. They seem like they would prefer to get this war Special Military Operation over with and then forget about the whole thing. Aren’t there some hockey playoffs coming up?

But, in war, things can go very wrong very fast. So who knows?

Here’s my largely laudatory review of Steven Pinker’s 2011 book, The Better Angels of Our Nature, that posited a general trend toward less violence, both organized and disorganized, in human affairs.

Was Pinker wrong or right?

[Comment at Unz.com]

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