Ryan Zinke Attacked For Saying Diversity Isn’t Important — James Watt Fired For Saying He Had Some
Here’s something Secretary Of The Interior Ryan Zinke is in trouble for, according to CNN: — saying:
he won’t focus on diversity, an apparent talking point that has upset many people within the agency.Three high-ranking Interior officials from three different divisions said that Zinke has made several comments with a similar theme, saying "diversity isn’t important," or "I don’t care about diversity," or "I don’t really think that’s important anymore."
He’s right — it really isn’t, especially at the Department Of The Interior, which is mostly a white-guy thing. And such diversity as they do have in the Department is causing trouble:
Interior last year unexpectedly reassigned 33 senior executive staffers, of which 15 were minorities, according to the lawyer of one of the staffers who was moved. Some of those who were reassigned have filed complaints with the US Merit Systems Board.The accusations against Zinke come as he is under investigation by multiple agencies, including Interior’s inspector general and Office of Special Counsel, regarding employee reassignment and taxpayer spending on possible politically related travel.
If Zinke was appointed to get the department moving, and shake things up, obviously minorities will be "hardest hit" because Affirmative Action means that they'll be promoted above their level of competence.
Anyhow, I found this out because Gail Heriot at Instapundit quoted Peter Kirsanow as joking
“Speaking as a black male, I often find myself in arguments with Hispanic women about wetlands policy.”
When I heard that, I couldn’t help thinking of James Watt, Reagan’s Secretary Of The Interior, who in 1983 told a business group that on the U.S. Commission on Fair Market Value Policy for Federal Coal Leasing, “We have every kind of mix you can have. I have a black, I have a woman, two Jews and a cripple.” He was fired, in spite of the fact that he apologized to the cripple.
But diversity is still not important at the Department Of The Interior.