Sabotage Confirmed, Deep State Operatives In ICE Fighting Trump — The Good News Is ICE Says No Illegals "Exempt From Arrest Or Removal"
By Federale
The radical left and Cultural Marxists have obtained the February U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement And Removal Operations (ERO) memorandum that repealed the whole of the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty. It is a radical document that ends what this writer identified as non-feasance in the enforcement of immigration laws, the failure to perform official duties, as the major issue at the source of the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty, and originating in the George W. Bush Administration.
While this memorandum dates back to February 2017, it expands on the repeal of the Morton Memos and the other various attacks on immigration law enforcement by the Obama Regime.
The head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement unit in charge of deportations has directed his officers to take action against all undocumented immigrants they may cross paths with, regardless of criminal histories. The guidance appears to go beyond the Trump administration’s publicly stated aims, and some advocates say may explain a marked increase in immigration arrests.
In a February memo, Matthew Albence, a career official who heads the Enforcement and Removal Operations division of ICE, informed his 5,700 deportation officers that, “effective immediately, ERO officers will take enforcement action against all removable aliens encountered in the course of their duties.”[ICE Officers Told to Take Action Against All Undocumented Immigrants Encountered While on Duty, by Marcelo Rochabrun, ProPublica, July 7, 2017]
This is a significant expansion of ICE ERO’s mandate to fully enforce the immigration laws of the United States. Importantly, no leeway is given to the field to ignore certain "sympathetic" illegal aliens. However, for some reason main DHS did not let the public know about the extent of the expansion of the arrest responsibilities of ICE. It is significant as many ICE ERO officials have been publicly denying any such expansion and even denying that non-criminal aliens would be targeted, but only arrest if casually encountered during arrests of criminal aliens.
At the forefront of a public face denying the intent to target and arrest all illegal aliens is David Marin, Field Office Director, ICE ERO, Los Angeles, CA. He has been identified before by this writer as someone actively sabotaging immigration enforcement by encouraging non-criminal illegal aliens to not fear being arrested. [Is ICE Field Office Director David Marin A Deep State Agent For Illegal Aliens?, by Federale, VDare, April 25, 2017]
Also identified as less than enthusiastic in enforcing immigration laws was Clinton Johnston, Assistant Field Office Director for ICE ERO in San Diego. [Enforcement Is Up Under Trump, But Not Up ENOUGH, by Federale, July 4, 2017] Both Johnston and Marin seem less than enthusiastic about arresting illegal aliens. That is a problem. I identified ICE ERO as a Trump ally in the DHS bureaucracy, and I stand by that, as evidenced by whinings of the Peruvian Rochabrun.
The top leadership at ICE is on board with immigration enforcement, as is the rank and file, as this writer described, much to the chagrin of the illegal alien lobby personified by Rochabrun.
A spokesman with ICE said Albence’s directive did not represent a break with Kelly’s stated aims, and was consistent with current agency policies.
“The memo directly supports the directions handed down in the executive orders and mirrors the language ICE consistently uses to describe its enforcement posture,” the spokeswoman, Sarah Rodriguez, said in a statement. “As Secretary Kelly and Acting Director [of ICE] Homan have stated repeatedly, ICE prioritizes the arrest and removal of national security and public safety threats; however, no class or category of alien in the United States is exempt from arrest or removal.”
And the Cultural Marxist Rochabrun and his ilk are not happy that civil servants are enthusiastic about the work they do:
Both Homan and Albence are career employees who have worked for decades helping the government enforce immigration laws. Before Homan was promoted to lead ICE, he led ERO, with Albence as his assistant director.
“I expect that the agency believes that there is no one in the White House or DHS that is going to tell them ‘No. Don’t do this,’” Bier said. “And without an effective check in the administration we are going to see arrests being made without any regard to prioritization … “
Homan has so far served as a vocal supporter of Trump’s ramped up immigration enforcement. Last week, he even made an appearance at a White House press briefing.
So, it is time for Homan and Albence to call Marin and Johnston on the carpet for their lack of enthusiasm. Homan, as head of ICE, which includes both ERO and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), also needs to address the failure of HSI to increase arrests of illegal aliens. This writer knows that HSI Special Agents-in-Charge in the field and the ICE Office of the Principal Legal Advisor in headquarters, including the Principal Legal Advisor Offices in the field, are actively sabotaging administrative and criminal arrests of illegal aliens by HSI Special Agents by requiring prior approval of administrative arrests of illegal aliens, while at the same time Deportation Officers of ERO are free to make arrests of illegal aliens for both administrative and criminal offenses. I would suggest to Homan that he have a frank discussion with his SACs and Tracy Short, the ICE Principal Legal Advisor, about their sabotage and failings. Perhaps they would be more happy working elsewhere. Homan should also have a word with Peter Edge, Executive Associate Director of HSI, who has failed to see that HSI gets back in the immigration enforcement business.
Peter Edge, Not Actually Arresting Illegal Aliens
Tracy Short, Leading The Fight Against President Trump And Not Arresting Illegal Aliens
It is time for Homan to take action against the saboteurs in his own agency.