Sacramento Requires Diverse Taxi Drivers to Speak English — Protests Follow
Just when you think Loonidiversofornia has gone completely off the rails, it surprises you with an act of sanity. Who knew it was possible?
Due to complaints from citizens who take taxis in Sacramento, the city council unanimously passed an ordinance with requirements spelled out for cab drivers, particularly an ability to speak English. The city manager said the council has gotten one or two complaints a month from people who ended up at the wrong destinations because of failures of drivers to understand English.
A regulation that diverse drivers be expected to bathe at least occasionally was replaced with a stipulation that they dress professionally. In addition, drivers must drive cars under eight years old and accept credit cards, plus be able to count change and navigate the city.
An earlier report noted a cabbie didn’t know how to take a city official five blocks from City Hall to the Capitol.
Interestingly, the foreign cabbies all seem to know the English word “discrimination.” A group of them marched against City Hall to protest the requirements.
Their immigrant understanding of America is all rights and no responsibility.
New Regulations Bring English-Only Requirement To Sacramento Taxicabs, CBS Sacramento, May 28, 2014SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — New regulations passed by the Sacramento City Council will require taxi drivers in Sacramento to speak English.
Raheem doesn’t speak much English, but he says he’s good at his job driving a cab in Sacramento for years. He fears he may soon be out of a job.
The City Council passed new rules requiring drivers have proof of basic English skills, as well as making sure cars are eight years old or newer and that drivers wear professional clothing. The last requirement is a change from the proposed ordinance that required them to be hygienically clean.
Kazman Zaidi is the president of the Sacramento Taxicab Union, which denounced the new regulations.
“Maybe they can’t read English, but they can understand, and they can answer the question and where the customer need to go,” he said.
He estimates more than 100 of the 500 or so drivers in the area may not be able to pass the test, but says they are still good drivers.
“If they don’t pass this English test, they have to lose their job, you know?” he said. “And they will be out of business.”
Not all of the taxicab associations objected to the regulations.
Sacramento City Revenue Manager Brad Wasson says the new requirements are in a response to complaints from customers.
“The whole point is from the passenger’s perspective so that they can communicate with the driver, and get to where they need to go,” he said.
The test will be offered in audio format to those who may not be able to read.
“We want them to succeed, and we want to bring them along so they can serve public better, and pass the test and thrive,” Wasson said.
He says drivers not following regulations should be reported to 311.
Zaidi is left wondering if drivers like Raheem will be able to keep working .
“Why is the city causing trouble for our cab drivers?” he said. “This is really discrimination.”