Sacramexico Legislator Proposes Extended Sanctuary (or Something)
Never underestimate the capacity of Mexifornia to put out the welcome mat for illegal aliens on the tab of the citizens, The latest scheme is to put an initiative on the ballot for voters to recommend a state amnesty for illegals who have been here for several years.
The scam doesn’t even make sense. Proponent Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes says it would bring in more tax money, but a major problem with illegals is that they are tax money users, not contributors, because as a group they are uneducated and make less taxable income. Anyway, illegals can already file tax returns using the ITIN form provided by the IRS, an agency which does not discriminate against anyone willing to pony up.
Plus, according to Obama’s administrative amnesty, your average Juan who is merely a job thief and fraudulent identity holder (aka identity theft) won’t be deported. No problema, dude.
Perhaps the boosters’ idea is to solidify the administrative amnesty into law while Obama is still in office, since the promised goodies are already in hand, at least for the time being.
So it’s been yet another flimflam from the start. When one political party rules a state so completely, its members feel they can do whatever they want and screw the opinion of the public. California Dems don’t care because they don’t have to.
And the idea that only a million illegals would be covered is pretty funny. The scheme is another fraud magnet for a state that already has rust-belt level unemployment, chronic budget shortfalls and recently was rated the worst-run in the country.
1 million undocumented immigrants could live and work in California under newly introduced measure, Sacramento Bee, December 2, 2011
SACRAMENTO, Calif.-Nearly 1 million undocumented immigrants could live and work openly in California with little or no fear of deportation under an initiative unveiled Friday by a state legislator and others.
Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, a Democrat, is helping to spearhead the measure, called the California Opportunity and Prosperity Act.
The proposal was filed Friday with the state Attorney General’s Office, marking a first step toward a drive to collect the 504,760 voter signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.
Fuentes called the measure a “moderate, common-sense approach” necessitated by the federal government’s inability to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
“I hope this shows Washington, D.C., that if they fail to act, California will take the lead on this critical issue,” Fuentes said in a written statement.
Supporters say the initiative could generate up to $325 million in new tax revenue from undocumented workers that could assist education, public safety and other state programs.
Regardless whether Californians would support such a measure, implementation would depend upon the federal government agreeing not to prosecute participants at the state’s request.
Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, a Republican, blasted the proposal as an attempt to sidestep immigration law. He predicted that it wouldn’t have a “snowball’s chance in hell” of winning voter approval.
“There’s a proper process for coming to this country,” Donnelly said of undocumented immigrants. “Why don’t you respect that?”
The proposed initiative would apply to illegal immigrants who have lived in California for four years, have no felony convictions, are not suspected terrorists, pay a fee to administer the program, and can speak English or are learning it.
Since federal law makes it illegal to hire an undocumented immigrant, the program calls for the state to seek exceptions from the federal government that would provide a “safe harbor” for participants or people who hire them.
As job opportunities improve for the undocumented immigrants, so will California’s tax coffers, proponents say.
Proponents touted the measure as continuing California’s tradition of enacting trail-blazing policy in areas ranging from environmental protection to medicinal marijuana.
John Cruz, a proponent of the measure and former appointments secretary for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, said it makes sense to allow undocumented, longtime California residents to “fully contribute to society by becoming taxpayers as well.”
Donnelly countered that the federal government is not likely to carve out exceptions for a select group of illegal immigrants.
“It essentially asks the federal government not to enforce the law,” Donnelly said.
The names of the initiative’s financial backers were not released Friday. It was not known how much money, if any, the group had collected for a signature-gathering drive.