
Sailer In Taki’s: Chetty’s Charts Can Help Explain Why Black Women Are So Angry

By Steve Sailer


From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

The racial gaps are much bigger when measured upon household income because only 16 percent of black women are married in their 30s versus 58 percent of white women. The median white woman’s household income is almost 2.5 times that of the median black woman’s household income.

Chetty sounds astonished by how seldom blacks marry:

White children at the bottom of the income distribution are as likely to [grow up to] be married as black children at the 97th percentile of the parental income distribution.

Of course, one reason that blacks marry so seldom is because black men tend not to be good providers. And a sizable reason for the unsuitability of black men as husbands is, as Chetty writes:

Notably, 10.3% of black men in our sample of children were incarcerated on April 1, 2010 (between ages 27–32), a far higher rate than for any of the other subgroups.

Much of the antiwhite racist hate speech that has become such a noteworthy feature of mainstream media discourse in recent years is generated by educated black women angry at the black men in their lives for acting like lazy knuckleheads. But they can’t say that, so they rechannel their rage into politically correct defamation of whites. The only way the Democrats’ coalition of the fringes can possibly hold together is if they all hate straight white men instead of each other.

Read the whole thing there.

An anonymous commenter replies:

Interesting, but I don’t buy that Angry Black Women are really angry at their men and are projecting. If anything, you are projecting: you are angry at black men’s bad behavior, and it seems like their women ought to be as well. But I just don’t see it. Black women could always refuse to have sex before marriage (they don’t.) They could refuse to provide for unemployed adult men whether as mothers or lovers (they don’t.) They could refuse to date and be impregnated by criminals (they really don’t.)

In reality, the personality distribution of black men is a result of the preferences of black women through the generations. Black women like aggressive, low time preference men and have for a long time. They might not always like the downsides of such personalities, but the upsides outweigh them.

That’s why black women, rather than demand that their men change, demand that society change to accommodate their men (give them money and not punish them for crimes.) They’re not projecting; they’re being honest about their desires.

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