Sailer in Taki’s: "Gender Offenders"

By Steve Sailer


From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

Gender Offenders

by Steve Sailer

November 22, 2017

… For years the press has been telling us that industries that hire mostly men — such as computer programming, defense, and the military — must be bad for women. No doubt, it is explained, all those horrible, evil male engineers must be teaming up to exploit the handful of female employees. After all, men and women are enemy genders. I mean, that’s what every lesbian women’s-studies professor says, and they wouldn’t have any incentive to lie, would they?

Therefore, women must be given much more in the way of affirmative-action quotas in technology companies. Similarly, the Obama administration went to war against the armed services over the purported “epidemic of rape in the military” that turned out to be only slightly more real than Haven Monahan’s fraternity-house gang rape on broken glass.

Instead, however, we see that careers where women are most abundant and most ambitious, such as television and movies, are where they are most exploited.

Why? It’s simple: supply and demand.

Read the whole thing there.

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