Sailer in Taki’s: "The Trillion-Dollar Question"

By Steve Sailer


From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

The Trillion-Dollar Question

by Steve Sailer, August 09, 2017

Back in March, I asked in my Taki’s Magazine column “Diversity Versus Debate”:

Does the increasing campus hysteria and anti-rationality portend bad news for Silicon Valley? If students increasingly grow up in a culture in which the person with the most wounded feelings rules, will they be able to code emotionless computers as well as in the past?

With the tech industry already immense, and soon to attempt to take over the auto industry with self-driving cars, those are trillion-dollar questions. …

Let me close with one question about Google’s personnel policy: Compared with how you felt last week, how do you feel today about someday entrusting your life to a Google self-driving car?

Read the whole thing there. [Comment at]

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