
Sailer In TakiMag: Big City Homicides Up 45% From 2019 To 2021

By Steve Sailer


From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

Killer Stats 2022
Steve Sailer

January 05, 2022

Rather than wait around for the FBI and CDC to finally announce next autumn the number of murders in the year just ended, my New Year’s tradition has become to count them up myself.

I was able to dig up fairly reliable numbers for 44 of the 50 biggest cities.

Last fall, when the FBI announced murders were up 29 percent nationally and the CDC found homicides were up 30 percent, this embarrassing carnage count was frequently described as a “spike.” While dramatic, that term also suggests that real soon murders will be coming down as fast as they went up now that the steady hand of Joe Biden is on the national tiller.

But instead, the shape of the murder graph looks more like a plateau: Homicides in the 44 big cities in my sample roared up 38 percent in 2020, and then an additional 5 percent in 2021. Overall, homicides were 45 percent higher in 2021 than in 2019:

The FBI counted 4,901 more murders nationwide in 2020 than in 2019. If, as there was in my urban sample, there was a small rise nationally in 2021, then there have been approaching 10,000 incremental murders during the second set of Black Lives Matter years, with likely about 6,000 of the extra dead being black bodies.

Great work, guys!

Read the whole thing there.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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