
Sailer In Takimag: Coulter’s Law Vs. Sailer’s Law In Kansas City

By Steve Sailer


From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

The Kansas City Question
Steve Sailer

February 21, 2024

Last week’s Super Bowl parade shooting in Kansas City in which one was killed and 22 wounded was another validation of both Coulter’s and Sailer’s Laws of Mass Shootings.

Ann devised her insight back in 2015 after two Muslim terrorists of Pakistani origin murdered fourteen at a government office in San Bernardino:

The longer we go without being told the race of the shooters, the less likely it is to be white men.

Similarly, the race of the two youths arrested for the Kansas City shooting are still being covered up on the excuse that they are under 18. From the New York Post:

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas accused Missouri Gov. Mike Parson of using a racial “dog whistle” when referring to the suspected shooters at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade as “thugs.”…

“I’ve seen this dog whistle time and again. There’s this kind of giant conservative theory on social media now that the reason these mug shots haven’t been shown is because the purported defendants are black, and if it were a white defendant we would have just shown them. That is absolutely preposterous. There are protections to juveniles,” he added.

Of course, the arrestees are black, according to a photo in the Daily Mail.

Read the whole thing there.

My previous blog post contains late-breaking news about arrests in Kansas City.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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