Sailer in TakiMag: Data Download — New Research On Genes And IQ
By Steve Sailer
Here’s my new column in Taki’s Magazine:
Steve Sailer
June 14, 2023
We live in an age blessed with ever-improving social science data, but few realize that, much less grasp its findings. The latest generation of longitudinal tracking databases can use genetic data to help find long-sought answers to politically crucial questions about race and IQ, but liberals don’t officially believe anymore that race or IQ even exists.
Conservatives would find the statistics helpful in gaining perspective on what has become the key domestic policy question of this decade: Whose fault is it that African Americans aren’t catching up anymore? Indeed, during the Black Lives Matter era since 2014, blacks have been getting themselves killed in increasing numbers.
According to today’s dominant worldview, the only answer to that question can possibly be: It’s the white man’s fault, either now or in the increasingly distant past. If the accusers can’t specify actions by living white men requiring them to be dispossessed of their home equity in the name of equity, well, that just proves how subtle and nuanced is systemic racism, which, by definition, proves the white man responsible for any and all disparities, and thus must pay.
Of course, data won’t ever fully disprove this faith-based demonology about who in 2023 must be the innocent victims and who must be the hereditary evildoers. But it can raise doubts in the minds of the less bigoted. And the facts sure are more interesting than the reigning orthodoxy.
Read the whole thing there.