Sailer In TakiMag: Models of the Two Parties — The Grateful Vs. The Guilty
By Steve Sailer
From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:
The Grateful vs. the Guilty
Steve SailerNovember 09, 2022
Unlike you, who are reading this column on Wednesday, while writing it I didn’t have a clue what happened in Tuesday’s elections. …
So, I’m going to offer my highly stylized models of the appeal and inherent problems faced by the two parties, Republican and Democrat….
To my mind, the Republican Party suffers from the contradictions of being traditionally the party of the executive class but also increasingly lately the party of the working class. I’m not sure if the inevitable economic conflicts between management and labor within the modern GOP can ever really be squared in the long term.
One fundamental problem is that most of the expertise at complex tasks like changing the tax code is of course found at the higher economic level. Moreover, working-class Republicans lack large institutions thinking hard about how to make subtle tweaks to benefit them, the way that, say, sixty years ago the AFL-CIO employed numerous smart lawyers, economists, and lobbyists to dream up reforms to benefit working-class Democrats at the expense of executive-class Republicans.
Perhaps that helps explain the Trump cult of personality: the hope that at least one guy will fight for you because all the enemies he’s made means he doesn’t have any other friends.
Read the whole thing there.