
Sailer In TakiMag On "Discrimination": Nice Moms And Nasty Nerds

By Steve Sailer


Earlier: SLATE: We Must Protect The Right Of Moody Teens To Be Spayed

From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

… A large part of the mainstream support for the transgender mania comes from nice white-lady mothers, pretty much the same well-meaning suburban moms who buy those “In this house, we believe” lawn signs off the arts-and-crafts website Etsy:

In this house, we believe:
Black Lives Matter.
Women’s rights are human rights.
No human is illegal.
Science is real.
Love is love.
Kindness is everything.

This momcore classic was originally handwritten from preexisting slogans the morning after Donald Trump’s election by Kristin Garvey, a pleasant-looking blond wife, mother of two toddlers, and youth services librarian in Madison, Wis.

In its compilation of woozy conventional wisdom, Garvey’s sign is something of a master class in how not to be a critical thinker. The essence of the current year momist mindset is a pantheistic aversion to drawing distinctions: e.g., “Love is love.” In an age of Diversity, all is one and one is all. Liberal moms these days hate to compare and contrast for fear they might learn something.

I suspect that this mindset springs from the feminine urge to be a generalist, because child-rearing is the most necessarily general of professions. And it’s not a good idea to love one child more than another. So, good mothers aren’t inclined to discriminate intellectually, but to grant each child (or child stand-in) unconditional love.

Read the whole thing there.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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